Uses of Interface

Packages that use AllowedOperationsFlags
org.jboss.ejb Package description goes here
org.jboss.ejb.plugins Package description goes here
org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.jdbc Package description goes here
org.jboss.ejb.plugins.jms Package description goes here
org.jboss.ejb.plugins.local Package description goes here

Uses of AllowedOperationsFlags in org.jboss.cache.invalidation.triggers

Classes in org.jboss.cache.invalidation.triggers that implement AllowedOperationsFlags
 class EntityBeanCacheBatchInvalidatorInterceptor
          The role of this interceptor is to detect that an entity has been modified after an invocation has been performed an use the InvalidationsTxGrouper static class so that invalidation messages can be groupped and sent at transaction-commit time in a single batch.

Uses of AllowedOperationsFlags in org.jboss.ejb

Subinterfaces of AllowedOperationsFlags in org.jboss.ejb
 interface ContainerPlugin
          This is a superinterface for all Container plugins.
 interface EJBProxyFactory
          This is an interface for Container plugins.
 interface EntityCache
          EntityCaches can work from several keys.
 interface EntityPersistenceManager
          This interface is implemented by any EntityBean persistence managers plugins.
 interface EntityPersistenceStore
          This interface is implemented by any EntityBean persistence Store.
 interface InstanceCache
          The plugin that gives a container a cache for bean instances.
 interface InstancePool
          Defines the model for a EnterpriseContext instance pool.
 interface Interceptor
          Provides the interface for all container interceptors.
 interface LocalContainerInvoker
          This is an extension to the ContainerInvoker interface.
 interface LocalProxyFactory
          This is an extension to the EJBProxyFactory interface.
 interface StatefulSessionPersistenceManager
          The interface for persisting stateful session beans.

Classes in org.jboss.ejb that implement AllowedOperationsFlags
 class AllowedOperationsAssociation
          Associates the current thread with a stack of flags that indicate the callers current ejb method.
 class Container
          This is the base class for all EJB-containers in JBoss.
protected  class Container.AbstractContainerInterceptor
          The base class for container interceptors.
 class EnterpriseContext
          The EnterpriseContext is used to associate EJB instances with metadata about it.
 class EntityContainer
          This is a Container for EntityBeans (both BMP and CMP).
 class EntityEnterpriseContext
          The EntityEnterpriseContext is used to associate EntityBean instances with metadata about it.
 class MessageDrivenContainer
          The container for MessageDriven beans.
 class MessageDrivenEnterpriseContext
          Context for message driven beans.
 class SessionContainer
           Container dedicated to session beans.
 class StatefulSessionContainer
          The container for stateful session beans.
 class StatefulSessionEnterpriseContext
          The enterprise context for stateful session beans.
 class StatelessSessionContainer
          The container for stateless session beans.
 class StatelessSessionEnterpriseContext
          The enterprise context for stateless session beans.

Uses of AllowedOperationsFlags in org.jboss.ejb.plugins

Classes in org.jboss.ejb.plugins that implement AllowedOperationsFlags
 class AbstractInstanceCache
          Base class for caches of entity and stateful beans.
 class AbstractInstancePool
          Abstract Instance Pool class containing the basic logic to create an EJB Instance Pool.
 class AbstractInterceptor
          An abstract base class for container interceptors.
 class BMPPersistenceManager
          Persistence manager for BMP entites.
 class CallValidationInterceptor
          This Interceptor validates the incomming arguments and the return value of the call.
 class CMPFilePersistenceManager
          A file-based CMP entity bean persistence manager.
 class CMPInMemoryPersistenceManager
          EntityPersistenceStore implementation storing values in-memory for very efficient access.
 class CMPPersistenceManager
          The CMP Persistence Manager implements the semantics of the CMP EJB 1.1 call back specification.
 class EntityCreationInterceptor
          The instance interceptors role is to break entity creation into two calls, one for ejbCreate and one for ejbPostCreate.
 class EntityInstanceCache
          Cache subclass for entity beans.
 class EntityInstanceInterceptor
          The instance interceptors role is to acquire a context representing the target object from the cache.
 class EntityInstancePool
          An entity bean instance pool.
 class EntityLockInterceptor
          The lock interceptors role is to schedule thread wanting to invoke method on a target bean
 class EntityMultiInstanceInterceptor
          Deprecated. this interceptor was used with Instance Per Transaction containers which do not use a global cache but cache instances per transaction and always passivate instances at commit time (commit option C). This interceptor used org.jboss.ejb.TxEntityMap to compensate the absence of a real per transaction cache implementation. Now, the differences between IPT and standard container are:
  • org.jboss.ejb.plugins.PerTxEntityInstanceCache as the cache implementation;
  • NoLock as the locking policy;
  • empty container-cache-conf element.
( The instance interceptors role is to acquire a context representing the target object from the cache.
 class EntityMultiInstanceSynchronizationInterceptor
          Deprecated. this interceptor was used with Instance Per Transaction containers which do not use a global cache but cache instances per transaction and always passivate instances at commit time (commit option C). The only difference from the EntityInstanceInterceptor is that it uses specific instance Synchronization implementation which always passivates the instance at commit time which is equivalent to commit option C in standard container. Now, the differences between IPT and standard container are:
  • org.jboss.ejb.plugins.PerTxEntityInstanceCache as the cache implementation;
  • NoLock as the locking policy;
  • empty container-cache-conf element.
( The role of this interceptor is to synchronize the state of the cache with the underlying storage. It does this with the ejbLoad and ejbStore semantics of the EJB specification. In the presence of a transaction this is triggered by transaction demarcation. It registers a callback with the underlying transaction monitor through the JTA interfaces. If there is no transaction the policy is to store state upon returning from invocation. The synchronization polices A,B,C of the specification are taken care of here.

WARNING: critical code, get approval from senior developers before changing.

 class EntityReentranceInterceptor
          The role of this interceptor is to check for reentrancy.
 class EntitySynchronizationInterceptor
          The role of this interceptor is to synchronize the state of the cache with the underlying storage.
 class InvalidableEntityInstanceCache
          Cache implementation that registers with an InvalidationManager when in commit option A or D.
 class JaasAuthenticationInterceptor
          This interceptor is where the EJB 2.1 authentication is performed along with the run-as identity establishment.
 class JaccAuthorizationInterceptor
          This interceptor is where the JACC ejb container authorization is performed.
 class LogInterceptor
          An interceptor used to log all invocations.
 class MessageDrivenInstanceInterceptor
          This container acquires the given instance.
 class MessageDrivenInstancePool
          A message driven bean instance pool.
 class MessageDrivenTxInterceptorBMT
          This interceptor handles transactions for message BMT beans.
 class MetricsInterceptor
          MetricsInterceptor collects data from the bean invocation call and publishes them on a JMS topic (bound to topic/metrics in the name service).
 class PerTxEntityInstanceCache
          Per transaction instance cache.
 class ProxyFactoryFinderInterceptor
          This interceptor injects the ProxyFactory into the ThreadLocal container variable
 class RunAsSecurityInterceptor
          An interceptor that enforces the run-as identity declared by a bean.
 class SecurityInterceptor
          The SecurityInterceptor is where the EJB 2.0 declarative security model is enforced.
 class SecurityProxyInterceptor
          The SecurityProxyInterceptor is where the EJB custom security proxy integration is performed.
 class SecurityRolesInterceptor
          The declarative roles based authorization interceptor which uses the RealmMapping interface of the associated security domain.
 class SingletonStatelessSessionInstancePool
          Singleton pool for session beans.
 class SSLSessionInterceptor
          An interceptor that looks for the peer certificates from the SSLSession associated with the sessionIDKey(defaults to SESSION_ID) of the invocation.
 class StatefulSessionFilePersistenceManager
          A file-based stateful session bean persistence manager.
 class StatefulSessionInstanceCache
          Cache for stateful session beans.
 class StatefulSessionInstanceInterceptor
          This container acquires the given instance.
 class StatefulSessionInstancePool
          A stateful session bean instance pool.
 class StatelessSessionInstanceInterceptor
          This container acquires the given instance.
 class StatelessSessionInstancePool
          A stateless session bean instance pool.
 class TxInterceptorBMT
          This interceptor handles transactions for session BMT beans.
 class TxInterceptorCMT
          This interceptor handles transactions for CMT beans.

Uses of AllowedOperationsFlags in org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.jdbc

Subinterfaces of AllowedOperationsFlags in org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.jdbc
 interface JDBCEntityPersistenceStore

Classes in org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.jdbc that implement AllowedOperationsFlags
 class JDBCRelationInterceptor
          The role of this interceptor relationship messages from a related CMR field and invoke the specified message on this container's cmr field of the relationship.
 class JDBCStoreManager
          JDBCStoreManager manages storage of persistence data into a table.

Uses of AllowedOperationsFlags in org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.jdbc2

Classes in org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.jdbc2 that implement AllowedOperationsFlags
 class JDBCStoreManager2
 class RelationInterceptor

Uses of AllowedOperationsFlags in org.jboss.ejb.plugins.inflow

Classes in org.jboss.ejb.plugins.inflow that implement AllowedOperationsFlags
 class JBossJMSMessageEndpointFactory
          Hacked version of message endpoint factory for backwards compatibility
 class JBossMessageEndpointFactory
          EJBProxyFactory for inflow message driven beans

Uses of AllowedOperationsFlags in org.jboss.ejb.plugins.jms

Classes in org.jboss.ejb.plugins.jms that implement AllowedOperationsFlags
 class JMSContainerInvoker
          EJBProxyFactory for JMS MessageDrivenBeans

Uses of AllowedOperationsFlags in org.jboss.ejb.plugins.local

Classes in org.jboss.ejb.plugins.local that implement AllowedOperationsFlags
 class BaseLocalProxyFactory
          The LocalProxyFactory implementation that handles local ejb interface proxies.

Uses of AllowedOperationsFlags in org.jboss.proxy.ejb

Classes in org.jboss.proxy.ejb that implement AllowedOperationsFlags
 class ProxyFactory
          As we remove the one one association between container STACK and invoker we keep this around.

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