Class LuceneSearchEngine

  extended by<WorkspaceType,ProcessorType>
      extended by<LuceneSearchWorkspace,LuceneSearchProcessor>
          extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class LuceneSearchEngine
extends AbstractLuceneSearchEngine<LuceneSearchWorkspace,LuceneSearchProcessor>

A SearchEngine implementation that relies upon two separate indexes to manage the node properties and the node structure (path and children). Using two indexes is more efficient when the node content and structure are updated independently. For example, the structure of the nodes changes whenever same-name-sibling indexes are changed, when sibling nodes are deleted, or when nodes are moved around; in all of these cases, the properties of the nodes do not change.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class
AbstractSearchEngine.Workspaces<WorkspaceType extends SearchEngineWorkspace>
Field Summary
static IndexRules DEFAULT_RULES
          The default set of IndexRules used by LuceneSearchEngine instances when no rules are provided.
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
LuceneSearchEngine(String sourceName, RepositoryConnectionFactory connectionFactory, boolean verifyWorkspaceInSource, File indexStorageDirectory, IndexRules rules, org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer analyzer)
          Create a new instance of a SearchEngine that uses Lucene and a two-index design, and that stores the indexes in the supplied directory.
LuceneSearchEngine(String sourceName, RepositoryConnectionFactory connectionFactory, boolean verifyWorkspaceInSource, IndexRules rules, org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer analyzer)
          Create a new instance of a SearchEngine that uses Lucene and a two-index design, and that stores the Lucene indexes in memory.
LuceneSearchEngine(String sourceName, RepositoryConnectionFactory connectionFactory, boolean verifyWorkspaceInSource, LuceneConfiguration configuration, IndexRules rules, org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer analyzer)
          Create a new instance of a SearchEngine that uses Lucene and a two-index design, and that stores the indexes using the supplied LuceneConfiguration.
Method Summary
 void index(ExecutionContext context, Iterable<ChangeRequest> changes)
          Update the indexes with the supplied set of changes to the content.
Methods inherited from class
createProcessor, getSourceName, isVerifyWorkspaceInSource
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final IndexRules DEFAULT_RULES
The default set of IndexRules used by LuceneSearchEngine instances when no rules are provided. These rules default to index and analyze all properties, and to index the dna:uuid and jcr:uuid properties to be indexed and stored only (not analyzed and not included in full-text search. The rules also treat jcr:created and jcr:lastModified properties as dates.

Constructor Detail


public LuceneSearchEngine(String sourceName,
                          RepositoryConnectionFactory connectionFactory,
                          boolean verifyWorkspaceInSource,
                          LuceneConfiguration configuration,
                          IndexRules rules,
                          org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer analyzer)
Create a new instance of a SearchEngine that uses Lucene and a two-index design, and that stores the indexes using the supplied LuceneConfiguration.

sourceName - the name of the source that this engine will search over
connectionFactory - the factory for making connections to the source
verifyWorkspaceInSource - true if the workspaces are to be verified using the source, or false if this engine is used in a way such that all workspaces are known to exist
configuration - the configuration of the Lucene indexes
rules - the index rule, or null if the default index rules should be used
analyzer - the analyzer, or null if the default analyzer should be used
IllegalArgumentException - if any of the source name, connection factory, or configuration are null


public LuceneSearchEngine(String sourceName,
                          RepositoryConnectionFactory connectionFactory,
                          boolean verifyWorkspaceInSource,
                          File indexStorageDirectory,
                          IndexRules rules,
                          org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer analyzer)
Create a new instance of a SearchEngine that uses Lucene and a two-index design, and that stores the indexes in the supplied directory.

This is identical to the following:

 TextEncoder encoder = new UrlEncoder();
 LuceneConfiguration config = LuceneConfigurations.using(indexStorageDirectory, null, encoder, encoder);
 new LuceneSearchEngine(sourceName, connectionFactory, verifyWorkspaceInSource, config, rules, analyzer);
where the default encoder is used to ensure that workspace names and index names can be turned into file system directory names.

sourceName - the name of the source that this engine will search over
connectionFactory - the factory for making connections to the source
verifyWorkspaceInSource - true if the workspaces are to be verified using the source, or false if this engine is used in a way such that all workspaces are known to exist
indexStorageDirectory - the file system directory in which the indexes are to be kept
rules - the index rule, or null if the default index rules should be used
analyzer - the analyzer, or null if the default analyzer should be used
IllegalArgumentException - if any of the source name, connection factory, or directory are null


public LuceneSearchEngine(String sourceName,
                          RepositoryConnectionFactory connectionFactory,
                          boolean verifyWorkspaceInSource,
                          IndexRules rules,
                          org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer analyzer)
Create a new instance of a SearchEngine that uses Lucene and a two-index design, and that stores the Lucene indexes in memory.

This is identical to the following:

 new LuceneSearchEngine(sourceName, connectionFactory, verifyWorkspaceInSource, LuceneConfigurations.inMemory(), rules, analyzer);

sourceName - the name of the source that this engine will search over
connectionFactory - the factory for making connections to the source
verifyWorkspaceInSource - true if the workspaces are to be verified using the source, or false if this engine is used in a way such that all workspaces are known to exist
rules - the index rule, or null if the default index rules should be used
analyzer - the analyzer, or null if the default analyzer should be used
IllegalArgumentException - if any of the source name or connection factory are null
Method Detail


public void index(ExecutionContext context,
                  Iterable<ChangeRequest> changes)
           throws SearchEngineException
Update the indexes with the supplied set of changes to the content.

context - the execution context for which this session is to be established; may not be null
changes - the set of changes to the content
SearchEngineException - if there is a problem updating the indexes
See Also:
SearchEngine.index(org.jboss.dna.graph.ExecutionContext, java.lang.Iterable)

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