Uses of Interface

Packages that use LanguageObject

Uses of LanguageObject in com.metamatrix.query.optimizer.relational.rules

Methods in com.metamatrix.query.optimizer.relational.rules with parameters of type LanguageObject
static boolean CriteriaCapabilityValidatorVisitor.canPushLanguageObject(LanguageObject obj, java.lang.Object modelID, QueryMetadataInterface metadata, CapabilitiesFinder capFinder)

Uses of LanguageObject in com.metamatrix.query.optimizer.xml

Methods in com.metamatrix.query.optimizer.xml that return LanguageObject
static LanguageObject XMLNodeMappingVisitor.convertObject(LanguageObject object, MappingDocument rootNode, QueryMetadataInterface metadata)

Methods in com.metamatrix.query.optimizer.xml with parameters of type LanguageObject
static LanguageObject XMLNodeMappingVisitor.convertObject(LanguageObject object, MappingDocument rootNode, QueryMetadataInterface metadata)
static void ReferenceBindingReplacerVisitor.replaceReferences(LanguageObject obj, java.util.List parsedBindingExpressions)
          Helper to quickly get the references from obj in the references collection

Uses of LanguageObject in com.metamatrix.query.parser

Methods in com.metamatrix.query.parser that return LanguageObject
 LanguageObject SQLParser.assignStatementOperand(ParseInfo info)
          Parse operand of assignment statement, which can be nested arbitrarily deeply in parentheses.

Uses of LanguageObject in com.metamatrix.query.processor.relational

Methods in com.metamatrix.query.processor.relational that return types with arguments of type LanguageObject
 java.util.Collection<LanguageObject> ProjectNode.getLanguageObjects()
 java.util.Collection<? extends LanguageObject> RelationalNode.getLanguageObjects()
 java.util.Collection<? extends LanguageObject> JoinNode.getLanguageObjects()
 java.util.Collection<? extends LanguageObject> SelectNode.getLanguageObjects()

Uses of LanguageObject in com.metamatrix.query.resolver.command

Methods in com.metamatrix.query.resolver.command with parameters of type LanguageObject
protected  void SimpleQueryResolver.QueryResolverVisitor.postVisitVisitor(LanguageObject obj)

Uses of LanguageObject in com.metamatrix.query.resolver.util

Methods in com.metamatrix.query.resolver.util with parameters of type LanguageObject
static void BindVariableVisitor.bindReferences(LanguageObject obj, java.util.List bindings, QueryMetadataInterface metadata)
          Convenient static method for using this visitor
static void ResolveVirtualGroupCriteriaVisitor.resolveCriteria(LanguageObject obj, GroupSymbol virtualGroup, QueryMetadataInterface metadata)
static void ResolverVisitor.resolveLanguageObject(LanguageObject obj, java.util.Collection<GroupSymbol> groups, GroupContext externalContext, QueryMetadataInterface metadata)
static void ResolverVisitor.resolveLanguageObject(LanguageObject obj, java.util.Collection<GroupSymbol> groups, QueryMetadataInterface metadata)
static void ResolverVisitor.resolveLanguageObject(LanguageObject obj, QueryMetadataInterface metadata)
static void ResolverUtil.setDesiredType(Expression expression, java.lang.Class<?> targetType, LanguageObject surroundingExpression)
          Utility to set the type of an expression if it is a Reference and has a null type.

Uses of LanguageObject in com.metamatrix.query.rewriter

Methods in com.metamatrix.query.rewriter with parameters of type LanguageObject
static void VariableSubstitutionVisitor.substituteVariables(LanguageObject obj, java.util.Map variableValues, int commandType)
          Helper to visit the language object specified and replace any variables a Reference obj, and collect the references returned.

Uses of LanguageObject in com.metamatrix.query.sql.lang

Classes in com.metamatrix.query.sql.lang that implement LanguageObject
 class AbstractCompareCriteria
          The common functionality of a CompareCriteria and a SubqueryCompareCriteria.
 class AbstractSetCriteria
          This is an abstract class to define some common functionality in the two varieties of IN criteria: SetCriteria (where values are specified) and SubquerySetCriteria (where a subquery is defined and will supply the values for the IN set).
 class AtomicCriteria
          This abstract class represents an atomic logical criteria.
 class BatchedUpdateCommand
          Represents a batch of INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and SELECT INTO commands
 class BetweenCriteria
          Represents criteria such as: " [NOT] BETWEEN AND ".
 class Command
          A Command is an interface for all the language objects that are at the root of a language object tree representing a SQL statement.
 class CompareCriteria
          A criteria which represents a simple operator relationship between two expressions.
 class CompoundCriteria
          This class represents a compound criteria for logical expressions.
 class Create
 class Criteria
          This class represents the criteria clause for a query, which defines constraints on the data values to be retrieved for each parameter in the select clause.
 class Delete
          This class represents a SQL Delete statement of the form: "DELETE FROM [WHERE ]".
 class DependentSetCriteria
          The DependentSetCriteria is missing the value set until it is filled during processing.
 class Drop
 class DynamicCommand
 class ExistsCriteria
          This predicate criteria implements the "exists" predicate, which has a subquery in it.
 class From
          Represents a FROM clause in a SELECT query.
 class FromClause
          A FromClause is an interface for subparts held in a FROM clause.
 class GroupBy
          This class represents the GROUP BY clause of a query, which defines the expressions that should be used for grouping the results of the query.
 class Insert
          Represents a SQL Insert statement of the form: "INSERT INTO () VALUES ".
 class Into
          Rpresent INTO clause in SELECT ...
 class IsNullCriteria
          Represents criteria such as: " IS NULL".
 class JoinPredicate
          Represents a subpart of the FROM clause specifying a join within the FROM.
 class JoinType
          This class represents a join type.
 class Limit
 class LogicalCriteria
          This class represents a criteria that works by logically combining other criteria.
 class MatchCriteria
          This class represents a criteria involving a string expression to be matched against a string expression match value.
 class NotCriteria
          A logical criteria that takes the logical NOT of the contained criteria.
 class Option
          Represents MetaMatrix extension options to normal SQL.
 class OrderBy
          Represents the ORDER BY clause of a query.
 class PredicateCriteria
          This abstract class represents a predicate criteria, which involves some statement involving expressions and can be evaluated in the context of a single row of data to be either true or false.
 class ProcedureContainer
 class Query
          A representation of a data query.
 class QueryCommand
          This is a common super class for the two types of query commands: Query and SetQuery.
 class Select
          This class represents the SELECT clause of a query, which defines what elements or expressions are returned from the query.
 class SetClause
 class SetClauseList
 class SetCriteria
          A criteria which is true is the expression's value is a member in a list of values.
 class SetQuery
          This object acts as a Set operator on multiple Queries - UNION, INTERSECT, and EXCEPT can be implemented with this Class
 class StoredProcedure
          Represents a StoredProcedure statement of the form:
 class SubqueryCompareCriteria
          This class implements a quantified comparison predicate.
 class SubqueryFromClause
          A FROM subpart that represents a subquery.
 class SubquerySetCriteria
          A criteria which is true is the expression's value is a member in a list of values returned from a subquery.
 class UnaryFromClause
          A FROM subpart that represents a single group.
 class Update
          Represents a SQL Update statement of the form: "UPDATE SET = , ...
 class XQuery
          An XQuery command object

Uses of LanguageObject in com.metamatrix.query.sql.navigator

Methods in com.metamatrix.query.sql.navigator with parameters of type LanguageObject
static void DeepPreOrderNavigator.doVisit(LanguageObject object, LanguageVisitor visitor)
static void PreOrderNavigator.doVisit(LanguageObject object, LanguageVisitor visitor)
static void PostOrderNavigator.doVisit(LanguageObject object, LanguageVisitor visitor)
static void DeepPostOrderNavigator.doVisit(LanguageObject object, LanguageVisitor visitor)
static void PreOrPostOrderNavigator.doVisit(LanguageObject object, LanguageVisitor visitor, boolean order)
protected  void PreOrPostOrderNavigator.postVisitVisitor(LanguageObject obj)
protected  void PreOrPostOrderNavigator.preVisitVisitor(LanguageObject obj)
protected  void AbstractNavigator.visitNode(LanguageObject obj)
protected  void AbstractNavigator.visitVisitor(LanguageObject obj)

Uses of LanguageObject in com.metamatrix.query.sql.proc

Classes in com.metamatrix.query.sql.proc that implement LanguageObject
 class AssignmentStatement
           This class represents an assignment statement in the storedprocedure language.
 class Block
           This class represents a group of Statement objects.
 class BreakStatement
           This class represents a break statement in the storedprocedure language.
 class CommandStatement
           This class represents a variable assignment statement in the storedprocedure language.
 class ContinueStatement
           This class represents a continue statement in the storedprocedure language.
 class CreateUpdateProcedureCommand
           This class represents a update procedure in the storedprocedure language.
 class CriteriaSelector
          This class represents the criteria present on the user's query.
 class DeclareStatement
           This class represents a statement used to declare variables in the storedprocedure language.
 class HasCriteria
          This object represents the criteria used in the stored procedure language to determine if a type of criteria is specified on a user's query.
 class IfStatement
           This class represents an if-else statement in the storedprocedure language.
 class LoopStatement
           This class represents a loop statement in the storedprocedure language to cursor through a result set.
 class RaiseErrorStatement
           This class represents a error assignment statement in the storedprocedure language.
 class Statement
           This class represents the a statement in the stored procedure language.
 class TranslateCriteria
          This object represents the criteria used in the stored procedure language that translates the portion of the user's criteria by doing symbol mapping to the elements of the physical group that defines the virtual group and translating the user's criteria using the element-expressions pairs represented as a list of comapreCriteria on this this object.
 class WhileStatement
           This class represents a while statement in the storedprocedure language.

Methods in com.metamatrix.query.sql.proc that return LanguageObject
 LanguageObject AssignmentStatement.getValue()

Methods in com.metamatrix.query.sql.proc with parameters of type LanguageObject
 void AssignmentStatement.setValue(LanguageObject value)

Constructors in com.metamatrix.query.sql.proc with parameters of type LanguageObject
AssignmentStatement(ElementSymbol variable, LanguageObject value)
DeclareStatement(ElementSymbol variable, java.lang.String varType, LanguageObject value)
          Constructor for DeclareStatement.

Uses of LanguageObject in com.metamatrix.query.sql.symbol

Subinterfaces of LanguageObject in com.metamatrix.query.sql.symbol
 interface Expression
          This is the interface for an expression in a SQL string.

Classes in com.metamatrix.query.sql.symbol that implement LanguageObject
 class AbstractCaseExpression
 class AggregateSymbol
          An aggregate symbol represents an aggregate function in the SELECT or HAVING clauses.
 class AliasSymbol
          An AliasSymbol wraps a SingleElementSymbol and changes it's name.
 class AllInGroupSymbol
          This is a subclass of Symbol representing .*, which contains all of the elements from a single group in the query.
 class AllSymbol
          This is a subclass of Symbol representing *, which contains all of the elements from all groups in the query.
 class CaseExpression
 class Constant
          This class represents a literal value in a SQL string.
 class ElementSymbol
          This is a subclass of Symbol representing a single element.
 class ExpressionSymbol
          This is a subclass of Symbol representing an expression in the SELECT clause.
 class Function
          Represents a function in a sql statement.
 class GroupSymbol
          This is the server's representation of a metadata group symbol.
 class MultipleElementSymbol
          This is a subclass of Symbol representing multiple output columns.
 class Reference
          This class represents a reference (positional from the user query, or to an element from another scope).
 class ScalarSubquery
          This is an Expression implementation that can be used in a SELECT clause.
 class SearchedCaseExpression
 class SelectSymbol
          This is the server's representation of a metadata symbol that can be used in a SELECT statement.
 class SingleElementSymbol
          This is a subclass of Symbol representing a single output column.
 class Symbol
          This is the server's representation of a metadata symbol.

Uses of LanguageObject in com.metamatrix.query.sql.visitor

Methods in com.metamatrix.query.sql.visitor with parameters of type LanguageObject
static void CorrelatedReferenceCollectorVisitor.collectReferences(LanguageObject obj, java.util.Collection<GroupSymbol> groupSymbols, java.util.List<Reference> correlatedReferences)
          Helper to use this visitor.
static java.util.Collection<AggregateSymbol> AggregateSymbolCollectorVisitor.getAggregates(LanguageObject obj, boolean removeDuplicates)
static void AggregateSymbolCollectorVisitor.getAggregates(LanguageObject obj, java.util.Collection<SingleElementSymbol> aggregates, java.util.Collection<SingleElementSymbol> elements)
static java.util.Collection<ElementSymbol> ElementCollectorVisitor.getElements(LanguageObject obj, boolean removeDuplicates)
          Helper to quickly get the elements from obj in a collection.
static java.util.Collection<ElementSymbol> ElementCollectorVisitor.getElements(LanguageObject obj, boolean removeDuplicates, boolean useDeepIteration)
          Helper to quickly get the elements from obj in a collection.
static void ElementCollectorVisitor.getElements(LanguageObject obj, java.util.Collection<ElementSymbol> elements)
          Helper to quickly get the elements from obj in the elements collection
static java.util.Collection FunctionCollectorVisitor.getFunctions(LanguageObject obj, boolean removeDuplicates)
          Helper to quickly get the elements from obj in a collection.
static java.util.Collection FunctionCollectorVisitor.getFunctions(LanguageObject obj, boolean removeDuplicates, boolean deep)
static void FunctionCollectorVisitor.getFunctions(LanguageObject obj, java.util.Collection functions)
          Helper to quickly get the elements from obj in the elements collection
static void FunctionCollectorVisitor.getFunctions(LanguageObject obj, java.util.Collection functions, boolean deep)
          Helper to quickly get the elements from obj in the elements collection
static java.util.Set<GroupSymbol> GroupsUsedByElementsVisitor.getGroups(LanguageObject obj)
          Helper to quickly get the groups from obj in a collection.
static java.util.Collection<GroupSymbol> GroupCollectorVisitor.getGroups(LanguageObject obj, boolean removeDuplicates)
          Helper to quickly get the groups from obj in a collection.
static void GroupsUsedByElementsVisitor.getGroups(LanguageObject obj, java.util.Collection<GroupSymbol> groups)
          Helper to quickly get the groups from obj in the elements collection
static void GroupCollectorVisitor.getGroups(LanguageObject obj, java.util.Collection<GroupSymbol> groups)
          Helper to quickly get the groups from obj in the groups collection
static java.util.Collection<GroupSymbol> GroupCollectorVisitor.getGroupsIgnoreInlineViews(LanguageObject obj, boolean removeDuplicates)
          Helper to quickly get the groups from obj in a collection.
static void GroupCollectorVisitor.getGroupsIgnoreInlineViews(LanguageObject obj, java.util.Collection<GroupSymbol> groups)
          Helper to quickly get the groups from obj in the groups collection
static java.util.Collection PredicateCollectorVisitor.getPredicates(LanguageObject obj)
          Helper to quickly get the predicates from obj
static java.util.List<Reference> ReferenceCollectorVisitor.getReferences(LanguageObject obj)
          Helper to quickly get the references from obj in a collection.
static java.lang.String SQLStringVisitor.getSQLString(LanguageObject obj)
          Helper to quickly get the parser string for an object using the visitor.
static void ExpressionSymbolCollector.getSymbols(LanguageObject obj, java.util.Collection elements)
          Helper to quickly get the elements from obj in the elements collection
static java.util.List<SubqueryContainer> ValueIteratorProviderCollectorVisitor.getValueIteratorProviders(LanguageObject obj)
          Helper to quickly get the ValueIteratorProvider instances from obj
static void ValueIteratorProviderCollectorVisitor.getValueIteratorProviders(LanguageObject obj, java.util.List<SubqueryContainer> valueIteratorProviders)
static java.util.Collection VariableCollectorVisitor.getVariables(LanguageObject obj, boolean removeDuplicates)
          Helper to quickly get the variables from obj in a collection.
static void VariableCollectorVisitor.getVariables(LanguageObject obj, java.util.Collection variables)
          Helper to quickly get the variables from obj in the variables collection
static boolean EvaluatableVisitor.isEvaluatable(LanguageObject obj, EvaluatableVisitor.EvaluationLevel target)
static boolean EvaluateExpressionVisitor.isFullyEvaluatable(LanguageObject obj, boolean duringPlanning)
          Should be called to check if the object can fully evaluated
static void ExpressionMappingVisitor.mapExpressions(LanguageObject obj, java.util.Map exprMap)
          The object is modified in place, so is not returned.
static void StaticSymbolMappingVisitor.mapSymbols(LanguageObject obj, java.util.Map symbolMap)
static boolean EvaluatableVisitor.needsProcessingEvaluation(LanguageObject obj)
 java.util.List<java.lang.Object> SQLStringVisitor.registerNode(LanguageObject obj)
static void EvaluateExpressionVisitor.replaceExpressions(LanguageObject obj, boolean deep, ProcessorDataManager dataMgr, CommandContext context)
static void CorrelatedVariableSubstitutionVisitor.substituteVariables(LanguageObject obj)
          Helper to visit the language object specified and replace any variables with a Reference obj, and collect the references returned.
static boolean EvaluateExpressionVisitor.willBecomeConstant(LanguageObject obj)
          Will return true if the expression can be deterministically evaluated at runtime, but it may not be evaluatable during planning
static boolean EvaluatableVisitor.willBecomeConstant(LanguageObject obj, boolean pushdown)

Method parameters in com.metamatrix.query.sql.visitor with type arguments of type LanguageObject
static void ElementCollectorVisitor.getElements(java.util.Collection<? extends LanguageObject> objs, java.util.Collection<ElementSymbol> elements)
static java.util.Set<GroupSymbol> GroupsUsedByElementsVisitor.getGroups(java.util.Collection<? extends LanguageObject> objects)
static void GroupsUsedByElementsVisitor.getGroups(java.util.Collection<? extends LanguageObject> objects, java.util.Set<GroupSymbol> groups)
static java.util.List<SubqueryContainer> ValueIteratorProviderCollectorVisitor.getValueIteratorProviders(java.util.Collection<? extends LanguageObject> languageObjects)

Uses of LanguageObject in com.metamatrix.query.validator

Methods in com.metamatrix.query.validator that return LanguageObject
 LanguageObject AbstractValidationVisitor.getExceptionObject()

Methods in com.metamatrix.query.validator with parameters of type LanguageObject
protected  void AbstractValidationVisitor.handleException(MetaMatrixException e, LanguageObject obj)
protected  void AbstractValidationVisitor.handleValidationError(java.lang.String message, LanguageObject invalidObj)
static void AggregateValidationVisitor.validate(LanguageObject obj, AggregateValidationVisitor visitor)
static ValidatorReport Validator.validate(LanguageObject object, QueryMetadataInterface metadata)
static ValidatorReport Validator.validate(LanguageObject object, QueryMetadataInterface metadata, AbstractValidationVisitor visitor, boolean validateOnlyEmbedded)

Constructors in com.metamatrix.query.validator with parameters of type LanguageObject
ValidatorFailure(java.lang.String description, LanguageObject object)

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