Uses of Class

Packages that use Configuration
org.infinispan This is the core of Infinispan, a distributed, transactional, highly scalable data grid platform. 
org.infinispan.batch Support for batching calls using the Cache.startBatch() and Cache.endBatch(boolean) API. 
org.infinispan.commands Commands that operate on the cache, either locally or remotely. 
org.infinispan.commands.control Commands that control and coordinate certain cache operations, such as rehashing, state transfer and locking. 
org.infinispan.commands.write Commands that alter the state of the cache. 
org.infinispan.config Cache configuration beans and parsers. 
org.infinispan.container Data containers which store cache entries. 
org.infinispan.distribution Classes relating to the distributed cache mode. 
org.infinispan.eviction Classes related to eviction. 
org.infinispan.factories Factories are internal components used to create other components based on a cache's configuration. 
org.infinispan.interceptors Infinispan is designed around a set of interceptors around a data container. 
org.infinispan.interceptors.base Base interceptors containing common, reusable behavior. 
org.infinispan.loaders This package contains loaders and stores, which are used for overflow or persistence. 
org.infinispan.manager Cache manager package 
org.infinispan.remoting.rpc Remote Procedure Call (RPC) interfaces and components used to invoke remote methods on cache instances. 
org.infinispan.statetransfer Transfer of state to new caches in a cluster. 
org.infinispan.transaction.xa XA transaction support. 
org.infinispan.util.concurrent.locks Lock and synchronization related classes, tools and utilities. 

Uses of Configuration in org.infinispan

Fields in org.infinispan declared as Configuration
protected  Configuration CacheDelegate.config

Methods in org.infinispan that return Configuration
 Configuration CacheDelegate.getConfiguration()
 Configuration Cache.getConfiguration()
 Configuration AbstractDelegatingCache.getConfiguration()

Methods in org.infinispan with parameters of type Configuration
 void CacheDelegate.injectDependencies(EvictionManager evictionManager, InvocationContextContainer icc, CommandsFactory commandsFactory, InterceptorChain interceptorChain, Configuration configuration, CacheNotifier notifier, ComponentRegistry componentRegistry, TransactionManager transactionManager, BatchContainer batchContainer, RpcManager rpcManager, DataContainer dataContainer, Marshaller marshaller, ResponseGenerator responseGenerator, DistributionManager distributionManager, CacheManager cacheManager, StateTransferManager stateTransferManager)

Uses of Configuration in org.infinispan.batch

Methods in org.infinispan.batch with parameters of type Configuration
protected  void AutoBatchSupport.assertBatchingSupported(Configuration c)

Uses of Configuration in org.infinispan.commands

Methods in org.infinispan.commands with parameters of type Configuration
 void CommandsFactoryImpl.setupDependencies(DataContainer container, CacheNotifier notifier, Cache cache, InterceptorChain interceptorChain, DistributionManager distributionManager, InvocationContextContainer icc, TransactionTable txTable, Configuration configuration)

Uses of Configuration in org.infinispan.commands.control

Methods in org.infinispan.commands.control with parameters of type Configuration
 void RehashControlCommand.init(DistributionManager distributionManager, Configuration configuration, DataContainer dataContainer, CommandsFactory commandsFactory)

Uses of Configuration in org.infinispan.commands.write

Methods in org.infinispan.commands.write with parameters of type Configuration
 void InvalidateL1Command.init(Configuration config, DistributionManager dm, CacheNotifier n, DataContainer dc)

Constructors in org.infinispan.commands.write with parameters of type Configuration
InvalidateL1Command(boolean forRehash, DataContainer dc, Configuration config, DistributionManager dm, CacheNotifier notifier, Object... keys)

Uses of Configuration in org.infinispan.config

Methods in org.infinispan.config that return Configuration
 Configuration Configuration.clone()
 Configuration ConfigurationRegistry.getConfiguration(String configName)
          Gets a clone of the Configuration registered under the given name.
 Configuration InfinispanConfiguration.parseDefaultConfiguration()

Methods in org.infinispan.config that return types with arguments of type Configuration
 Map<String,Configuration> InfinispanConfiguration.parseNamedConfigurations()

Methods in org.infinispan.config with parameters of type Configuration
 void Configuration.applyOverrides(Configuration overrides)
 void ConfigurationRegistry.registerConfiguration(String configName, Configuration config)
          Register the given configuration under the given name.
 void ConfigurationBeanVisitor.visitConfiguration(Configuration bean)
 void AbstractConfigurationBeanVisitor.visitConfiguration(Configuration bean)

Uses of Configuration in org.infinispan.config.parsing

Methods in org.infinispan.config.parsing that return Configuration
 Configuration XmlConfigurationParser.parseDefaultConfiguration()
          Parses the default template configuration.

Methods in org.infinispan.config.parsing that return types with arguments of type Configuration
 Map<String,Configuration> XmlConfigurationParser.parseNamedConfigurations()
          Parses and retrieves configuration overrides for named caches.

Uses of Configuration in org.infinispan.container

Methods in org.infinispan.container with parameters of type Configuration
 void EntryFactoryImpl.injectDependencies(DataContainer dataContainer, LockManager lockManager, Configuration configuration, CacheNotifier notifier)

Uses of Configuration in org.infinispan.distribution

Methods in org.infinispan.distribution with parameters of type Configuration
static ConsistentHash ConsistentHashHelper.createConsistentHash(Configuration c, List<Address> addresses)
          Creates a new consistent hash instance based on the user's configuration, and populates the consistent hash with the collection of addresses passed in.
static ConsistentHash ConsistentHashHelper.createConsistentHash(Configuration c, List<Address> addresses, Address... moreAddresses)
          Creates a new consistent hash instance based on the user's configuration, and populates the consistent hash with the collection of addresses passed in.
static ConsistentHash ConsistentHashHelper.createConsistentHash(Configuration c, List<Address> addresses, Collection<Address> moreAddresses)
          Creates a new consistent hash instance based on the user's configuration, and populates the consistent hash with the collection of addresses passed in.
 void DistributionManagerImpl.init(Configuration configuration, RpcManager rpcManager, CacheManagerNotifier notifier, CommandsFactory cf, DataContainer dataContainer, InterceptorChain interceptorChain, InvocationContextContainer icc, CacheLoaderManager cacheLoaderManager)
static ConsistentHash ConsistentHashHelper.removeAddress(ConsistentHash ch, Address toRemove, Configuration c)
          Returns a new consistent hash of the same type with the given address removed.
static UnionConsistentHash ConsistentHashHelper.removeAddressFromUnionConsistentHash(UnionConsistentHash uch, Address toRemove, Configuration c)
          Creates a new UnionConsistentHash instance based on the old instance, removing the provided address from both target consistent hash instances in the union.

Constructors in org.infinispan.distribution with parameters of type Configuration
JoinTask(RpcManager rpcManager, CommandsFactory commandsFactory, Configuration conf, TransactionLogger transactionLogger, DataContainer dataContainer, DistributionManagerImpl dmi)
LeaveTask(DistributionManagerImpl dmi, RpcManager rpcManager, Configuration configuration, List<Address> leavers, TransactionLogger transactionLogger, CommandsFactory cf, DataContainer dataContainer)
RehashTask(DistributionManagerImpl dmi, RpcManager rpcManager, Configuration configuration, TransactionLogger transactionLogger, CommandsFactory cf, DataContainer dataContainer)

Uses of Configuration in org.infinispan.eviction

Methods in org.infinispan.eviction with parameters of type Configuration
 void EvictionManagerImpl.initialize(ScheduledExecutorService executor, Configuration configuration, Cache<Object,Object> cache, DataContainer dataContainer, CacheLoaderManager cacheLoaderManager)

Uses of Configuration in org.infinispan.factories

Fields in org.infinispan.factories declared as Configuration
protected  Configuration AbstractNamedCacheComponentFactory.configuration

Methods in org.infinispan.factories that return Configuration
protected  Configuration AbstractComponentRegistry.getConfiguration()
          Retrieves the configuration component.

Methods in org.infinispan.factories with parameters of type Configuration
protected  AdvancedCache<K,V> InternalCacheFactory.createAndWire(Configuration configuration, GlobalComponentRegistry globalComponentRegistry, String cacheName)
 Cache<K,V> InternalCacheFactory.createCache(Configuration configuration, GlobalComponentRegistry globalComponentRegistry, String cacheName)
          This implementation clones the configuration passed in before using it.
 Cache<K,V> InternalCacheFactory.createDefaultCache(Configuration configuration)
static InterceptorChainFactory InterceptorChainFactory.getInstance(ComponentRegistry componentRegistry, Configuration configuration)

Constructors in org.infinispan.factories with parameters of type Configuration
BootstrapFactory(AdvancedCache advancedCache, Configuration configuration, ComponentRegistry componentRegistry)
ComponentRegistry(String cacheName, Configuration configuration, AdvancedCache cache, GlobalComponentRegistry globalComponents)
          Creates an instance of the component registry.

Uses of Configuration in org.infinispan.interceptors

Methods in org.infinispan.interceptors with parameters of type Configuration
 void TxInterceptor.init(TransactionManager tm, TransactionTable txTable, TransactionLog transactionLog, Configuration c)

Uses of Configuration in org.infinispan.interceptors.base

Fields in org.infinispan.interceptors.base declared as Configuration
protected  Configuration CommandInterceptor.configuration

Uses of Configuration in org.infinispan.loaders

Methods in org.infinispan.loaders with parameters of type Configuration
 void CacheLoaderManagerImpl.inject(Cache cache, Marshaller marshaller, Configuration configuration)

Uses of Configuration in org.infinispan.manager

Fields in org.infinispan.manager declared as Configuration
protected  Configuration DefaultCacheManager.defaultConfiguration

Methods in org.infinispan.manager that return Configuration
 Configuration DefaultCacheManager.defineConfiguration(String cacheName, Configuration configurationOverride)
          Defines a named cache's configuration using the following algorithm:

If cache name hasn't been defined before, this method creates a clone of the default cache's configuration, applies a clone of the configuration overrides passed in and returns this configuration instance.

 Configuration CacheManager.defineConfiguration(String cacheName, Configuration configurationOverride)
          Defines a named cache's configuration using the following algorithm:

If cache name hasn't been defined before, this method creates a clone of the default cache's configuration, applies a clone of the configuration overrides passed in and returns this configuration instance.

 Configuration DefaultCacheManager.defineConfiguration(String cacheName, String templateName, Configuration configurationOverride)
          Defines a named cache's configuration using the following algorithm:

Regardless of whether the cache name has been defined or not, this method creates a clone of the configuration of the cache whose name matches the given template cache name, then applies a clone of the configuration overrides passed in and finally returns this configuration instance.

 Configuration CacheManager.defineConfiguration(String cacheName, String templateCacheName, Configuration configurationOverride)
          Defines a named cache's configuration using the following algorithm:

Regardless of whether the cache name has been defined or not, this method creates a clone of the configuration of the cache whose name matches the given template cache name, then applies a clone of the configuration overrides passed in and finally returns this configuration instance.

 Configuration DefaultCacheManager.getDefaultConfiguration()
 Configuration CacheManager.getDefaultConfiguration()
          Returns default configuration for this CacheManager

Methods in org.infinispan.manager with parameters of type Configuration
 Configuration DefaultCacheManager.defineConfiguration(String cacheName, Configuration configurationOverride)
          Defines a named cache's configuration using the following algorithm:

If cache name hasn't been defined before, this method creates a clone of the default cache's configuration, applies a clone of the configuration overrides passed in and returns this configuration instance.

 Configuration CacheManager.defineConfiguration(String cacheName, Configuration configurationOverride)
          Defines a named cache's configuration using the following algorithm:

If cache name hasn't been defined before, this method creates a clone of the default cache's configuration, applies a clone of the configuration overrides passed in and returns this configuration instance.

 Configuration DefaultCacheManager.defineConfiguration(String cacheName, String templateName, Configuration configurationOverride)
          Defines a named cache's configuration using the following algorithm:

Regardless of whether the cache name has been defined or not, this method creates a clone of the configuration of the cache whose name matches the given template cache name, then applies a clone of the configuration overrides passed in and finally returns this configuration instance.

 Configuration CacheManager.defineConfiguration(String cacheName, String templateCacheName, Configuration configurationOverride)
          Defines a named cache's configuration using the following algorithm:

Regardless of whether the cache name has been defined or not, this method creates a clone of the configuration of the cache whose name matches the given template cache name, then applies a clone of the configuration overrides passed in and finally returns this configuration instance.


Constructors in org.infinispan.manager with parameters of type Configuration
DefaultCacheManager(Configuration defaultConfiguration)
          Constructs and starts a new instance of the CacheManager, using the default configuration passed in.
DefaultCacheManager(Configuration defaultConfiguration, boolean start)
          Constructs a new instance of the CacheManager, using the default configuration passed in.
DefaultCacheManager(GlobalConfiguration globalConfiguration, Configuration defaultConfiguration)
          Constructs and starts a new instance of the CacheManager, using the global and default configurations passed in.
DefaultCacheManager(GlobalConfiguration globalConfiguration, Configuration defaultConfiguration, boolean start)
          Constructs a new instance of the CacheManager, using the global and default configurations passed in.

Uses of Configuration in org.infinispan.remoting.rpc

Methods in org.infinispan.remoting.rpc with parameters of type Configuration
 void RpcManagerImpl.injectDependencies(Transport t, Configuration configuration, ReplicationQueue replicationQueue, CommandsFactory cf, ExecutorService e)

Uses of Configuration in org.infinispan.statetransfer

Methods in org.infinispan.statetransfer with parameters of type Configuration
 void StateTransferManagerImpl.injectDependencies(RpcManager rpcManager, AdvancedCache cache, Configuration configuration, DataContainer dataContainer, CacheLoaderManager clm, Marshaller marshaller, TransactionLog transactionLog, InterceptorChain interceptorChain, InvocationContextContainer invocationContextContainer, CommandsFactory commandsFactory, TransactionTable txTable)

Uses of Configuration in org.infinispan.transaction.xa

Methods in org.infinispan.transaction.xa with parameters of type Configuration
 void GlobalTransactionFactory.init(Configuration configuration)
 void TransactionTable.initialize(CommandsFactory commandsFactory, RpcManager rpcManager, Configuration configuration, InvocationContextContainer icc, InterceptorChain invoker, CacheNotifier notifier, GlobalTransactionFactory gtf, CacheManager cm)

Constructors in org.infinispan.transaction.xa with parameters of type Configuration
TransactionXaAdapter(GlobalTransaction globalTx, InvocationContextContainer icc, InterceptorChain invoker, CommandsFactory commandsFactory, Configuration configuration, TransactionTable txTable, Transaction transaction)

Uses of Configuration in org.infinispan.util.concurrent.locks

Fields in org.infinispan.util.concurrent.locks declared as Configuration
protected  Configuration LockManagerImpl.configuration

Methods in org.infinispan.util.concurrent.locks with parameters of type Configuration
 void LockManagerImpl.injectDependencies(Configuration configuration, TransactionManager transactionManager, InvocationContextContainer invocationContextContainer)

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