Interface Visitable

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AllNodes, And, ArithmeticOperand, Between, BindVariableName, ChildNode, ChildNodeJoinCondition, Column, Command, Comparison, Constraint, DescendantNode, DescendantNodeJoinCondition, DynamicOperand, EquiJoinCondition, FullTextSearch, FullTextSearchScore, Join, JoinCondition, Length, Limit, Literal, LowerCase, NamedSelector, NodeDepth, NodeLocalName, NodeName, NodePath, Not, Or, Ordering, PropertyExistence, PropertyValue, Query, QueryCommand, SameNode, SameNodeJoinCondition, Selector, SetCriteria, SetQuery, Source, StaticOperand, UpperCase

public interface Visitable

An interface called by a visitor when that visitor is visiting the node.

Method Summary
 void accept(Visitor visitor)
          Accept the supplied visitor, which should call back to the visitor to complete the double-dispatch operation.

Method Detail


void accept(Visitor visitor)
Accept the supplied visitor, which should call back to the visitor to complete the double-dispatch operation.

visitor - the visitor; never null

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