Uses of Interface

Packages that use Visitable
org.jboss.dna.graph.query.model The Abstract Query Model is a vocabulary that can be used to construct a language-neutral representation of a query. 
org.jboss.dna.graph.query.optimize This package contains the Optimizer interface, a rule-based optimizer implementation, and library of optimization rules. 

Uses of Visitable in org.jboss.dna.graph.query.model

Subinterfaces of Visitable in org.jboss.dna.graph.query.model
 interface LanguageObject
          A common interface for all query language objects.

Classes in org.jboss.dna.graph.query.model that implement Visitable
 class AllNodes
          A selector that represents a source that returns all nodes.
 class And
          A constraint that evaluates to true when both of the other constraints evaluate to true.
 class ArithmeticOperand
          A dynamic operand that represents a (binary) arithmetic operation upon one or more other operands, used in Comparison and Ordering components.
 class Between
          A constraint that evaluates to true when the value defined by the dynamic operand evaluates to be within the specified range.
 class BindVariableName
          A value bound to a variable name used in a Comparison constraint.
 class ChildNode
          A constraint requiring that the selected node is a child of the node reachable by the supplied absolute path
 class ChildNodeJoinCondition
          A join condition that evaluates to true only when the named child node is indeed a child of the named parent node.
 class Column
 class Command
          Represents the abstract base class for all top-level language objects that are the root of a language object tree.
 class Comparison
          A constraint that evaluates to true when the defined operation evaluates to true.
 class Constraint
 class DescendantNode
          A constraint requiring that the selected node is a descendant of the node reachable by the supplied absolute path
 class DescendantNodeJoinCondition
          A join condition that evaluates to true only when the named node is a descendant of another named node.
 class DynamicOperand
          A dynamic operand used in a Comparison constraint.
 class EquiJoinCondition
          A join condition that tests whether a property on a node is equal to a property on another node.
 class FullTextSearch
          A constraint that evaluates to true only when a full-text search applied to the search scope results in positive findings.
 class FullTextSearchScore
          A dynamic operand that evaluates to the full-text search score of a node given by a selector, used in a Comparison constraint and Orderings.
 class Join
 class JoinCondition
          The condition used for a join between two sources.
 class Length
          A dynamic operand that evaluates to the length of the supplied propety values, used in a Comparison constraint.
 class Limit
 class Literal
          A literal value used in a Comparison constraint.
 class LowerCase
          A dynamic operand that evaluates to the lower-case representation of the supplied operand, used in a Comparison constraint.
 class NamedSelector
 class NodeDepth
          A dynamic operand that evaluates to the depth of a node given by a selector, used in a Comparison constraint.
 class NodeLocalName
          A dynamic operand that evaluates to the local name of a node given by a selector, used in a Comparison constraint.
 class NodeName
          A dynamic operand that evaluates to the qualified name of a node given by a selector, used in a Comparison constraint.
 class NodePath
          A dynamic operand that evaluates to the path of a node given by a selector, used in a Comparison constraint.
 class Not
          A constraint that negates another constraint.
 class Or
          A constraint that evaluates to true when either of the other constraints evaluates to true.
 class Ordering
          A specification of the ordering for the results.
 class PropertyExistence
          A constraint that evaluates to true only when a named property exists on a node.
 class PropertyValue
          A dynamic operand that evaluates to the value(s) of a property on a selector, used in a Comparison constraint.
 class Query
 class QueryCommand
          Represents the abstract base class for all query commands.
 class SameNode
          A constraint requiring that the selected node is reachable by the supplied absolute path
 class SameNodeJoinCondition
          A join condition that tests whether two nodes are the same nodes (that is, have the same identifier or have the same relative path from the nearest ancestor with an identifiers).
 class Selector
 class SetCriteria
          A constraint that evaluates to true when the defined operation evaluates to true.
 class SetQuery
          This object acts as a Set operator on multiple queries, such as performing UNION, INTERSECT, and EXCEPT operations.
 class Source
          The source that represents a set of node tuples.
 class StaticOperand
          A static operand used in a Comparison constraint.
 class UpperCase
          A dynamic operand that evaluates to the upper-case representation of the supplied operand, used in a Comparison constraint.

Methods in org.jboss.dna.graph.query.model with parameters of type Visitable
static Set<SelectorName> Visitors.getSelectorsReferencedBy(Visitable visitable)
          Get the names of the selectors referenced by the visitable object.
static String Visitors.readable(Visitable visitable)
          Using a visitor, obtain the readable string representation of the supplied object
<GeneralVisitor extends Visitor>
Visitors.visit(Visitable visitable, GeneralVisitor visitor)
          Visit the supplied object using the supplied Visitors.AbstractVisitor, which must be responsible for navigation as well as any business logic.
<StrategyVisitor extends Visitor>
Visitors.visitAll(Visitable visitable, StrategyVisitor strategyVisitor)
          Visit all objects in the supplied object using a Visitors.NavigationVisitor (specifically a Visitors.WalkAllVisitor), and with each of these visited objects calling the appropriate visit(...) method on the supplied Visitors.AbstractVisitor.

Uses of Visitable in org.jboss.dna.graph.query.optimize

Methods in org.jboss.dna.graph.query.optimize with parameters of type Visitable
static Set<Column> RaiseSelectCriteria.getColumnsReferencedBy(Visitable visitable)
          Get the set of Column objects that represent those columns referenced by the visitable object.
static Set<Column> CopyCriteria.getColumnsReferencedBy(Visitable visitable)
          Get the set of Column objects that represent those columns referenced by the visitable object.

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