Uses of Interface

Packages that use Schemata
org.jboss.dna.graph The JBoss DNA Graph API defines the types that allow you to work with content organized as a graph. 
org.jboss.dna.graph.query The Query API provides a mechanism for building and executing queries. 
org.jboss.dna.graph.query.validate This package provides the interfaces that define the tables and columns that can be queried. 
org.jboss.dna.graph.request Sometimes its useful to work with a graph using objects that represent individual commands on the graph. 

Uses of Schemata in org.jboss.dna.graph

Methods in org.jboss.dna.graph with parameters of type Schemata
 Graph.BuildQuery Graph.query(QueryCommand query, Schemata schemata)
          Query the current workspace using the supplied Schemata.

Uses of Schemata in org.jboss.dna.graph.query

Methods in org.jboss.dna.graph.query that return Schemata
 Schemata QueryContext.getSchemata()
          Get the definition of the tables available within this query context.

Methods in org.jboss.dna.graph.query with parameters of type Schemata
 QueryContext QueryContext.with(Schemata schemata)
          Obtain a copy of this context, except that the copy uses the supplied schemata.

Constructors in org.jboss.dna.graph.query with parameters of type Schemata
QueryContext(Schemata schemata, TypeSystem typeSystem)
          Create a new context for query execution.
QueryContext(Schemata schemata, TypeSystem typeSystem, PlanHints hints)
          Create a new context for query execution.
QueryContext(Schemata schemata, TypeSystem typeSystem, PlanHints hints, Problems problems)
          Create a new context for query execution.
QueryContext(Schemata schemata, TypeSystem typeSystem, PlanHints hints, Problems problems, Map<String,Object> variables)
          Create a new context for query execution.

Uses of Schemata in org.jboss.dna.graph.query.validate

Classes in org.jboss.dna.graph.query.validate that implement Schemata
 class ImmutableSchemata
          An immutable Schemata implementation.

Methods in org.jboss.dna.graph.query.validate that return Schemata
          Build the Schemata instance, using the current state of the builder.

Uses of Schemata in org.jboss.dna.graph.request

Methods in org.jboss.dna.graph.request that return Schemata
 Schemata AccessQueryRequest.schemata()
          Get the schemata that defines the table structure and columns definitions available to this query.

Constructors in org.jboss.dna.graph.request with parameters of type Schemata
AccessQueryRequest(String workspace, SelectorName tableName, QueryResults.Columns resultColumns, List<Constraint> andedConstraints, Limit limit, Schemata schemata, Map<String,Object> variables)
          Create a new request to execute the supplied query against the name workspace.

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