Uses of Class

Packages that use IndexRules   

Uses of IndexRules in

Fields in declared as IndexRules
static IndexRules LuceneSearchEngine.DEFAULT_RULES
          The default set of IndexRules used by LuceneSearchEngine instances when no rules are provided.

Methods in that return IndexRules
          Build the indexing rules.
 IndexRules LuceneSearchWorkspace.getRules()

Methods in with parameters of type IndexRules
static IndexRules.Builder IndexRules.createBuilder(IndexRules initialRules)
          Return a new builder that can be used to create IndexRules objects.

Constructors in with parameters of type IndexRules
LuceneSearchEngine(String sourceName, RepositoryConnectionFactory connectionFactory, boolean verifyWorkspaceInSource, File indexStorageDirectory, IndexRules rules, org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer analyzer)
          Create a new instance of a SearchEngine that uses Lucene and a two-index design, and that stores the indexes in the supplied directory.
LuceneSearchEngine(String sourceName, RepositoryConnectionFactory connectionFactory, boolean verifyWorkspaceInSource, IndexRules rules, org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer analyzer)
          Create a new instance of a SearchEngine that uses Lucene and a two-index design, and that stores the Lucene indexes in memory.
LuceneSearchEngine(String sourceName, RepositoryConnectionFactory connectionFactory, boolean verifyWorkspaceInSource, LuceneConfiguration configuration, IndexRules rules, org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer analyzer)
          Create a new instance of a SearchEngine that uses Lucene and a two-index design, and that stores the indexes using the supplied LuceneConfiguration.

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