Packages that use CacheNotifier | |
org.infinispan | This is the core of Infinispan, a distributed, transactional, highly scalable data grid platform. |
org.infinispan.commands | Commands that operate on the cache, either locally or remotely. |
org.infinispan.commands.read | Commands that read data from the cache. |
org.infinispan.commands.tx | Commands that represent transactional lifecycle transitions. |
org.infinispan.commands.write | Commands that alter the state of the cache. |
org.infinispan.container | Data containers which store cache entries. |
org.infinispan.distribution | Classes relating to the distributed cache mode. |
org.infinispan.eviction | Classes related to eviction. |
org.infinispan.interceptors | Infinispan is designed around a set of interceptors around a data container. |
org.infinispan.notifications.cachelistener | Cache -specific notifications and eventing. |
org.infinispan.statetransfer | Transfer of state to new caches in a cluster. |
org.infinispan.transaction | JTA transaction support. |
Uses of CacheNotifier in org.infinispan |
Fields in org.infinispan declared as CacheNotifier | |
protected CacheNotifier |
Methods in org.infinispan with parameters of type CacheNotifier | |
void |
CacheImpl.injectDependencies(EvictionManager evictionManager,
InvocationContextContainer icc,
CommandsFactory commandsFactory,
InterceptorChain interceptorChain,
Configuration configuration,
CacheNotifier notifier,
ComponentRegistry componentRegistry,
TransactionManager transactionManager,
BatchContainer batchContainer,
RpcManager rpcManager,
DataContainer dataContainer,
StreamingMarshaller marshaller,
ResponseGenerator responseGenerator,
DistributionManager distributionManager,
EmbeddedCacheManager cacheManager,
StateTransferManager stateTransferManager,
ExecutorService asyncExecutor,
TransactionTable txTable,
RecoveryManager recoveryManager,
TransactionCoordinator txCoordinator,
LockManager lockManager)
Uses of CacheNotifier in org.infinispan.commands |
Methods in org.infinispan.commands with parameters of type CacheNotifier | |
void |
CommandsFactoryImpl.setupDependencies(DataContainer container,
CacheNotifier notifier,
Cache<Object,Object> cache,
InterceptorChain interceptorChain,
DistributionManager distributionManager,
InvocationContextContainer icc,
TransactionTable txTable,
Configuration configuration,
Map<Byte,ModuleCommandInitializer> moduleCommandInitializers,
RecoveryManager recoveryManager,
StateTransferManager stateTransferManager,
LockManager lockManager,
InternalEntryFactory entryFactory)
Uses of CacheNotifier in org.infinispan.commands.read |
Constructors in org.infinispan.commands.read with parameters of type CacheNotifier | |
GetKeyValueCommand(Object key,
CacheNotifier notifier,
Set<Flag> flags)
Uses of CacheNotifier in org.infinispan.commands.tx |
Fields in org.infinispan.commands.tx declared as CacheNotifier | |
protected CacheNotifier |
Methods in org.infinispan.commands.tx with parameters of type CacheNotifier | |
void |
PrepareCommand.initialize(CacheNotifier notifier,
RecoveryManager recoveryManager)
Uses of CacheNotifier in org.infinispan.commands.write |
Fields in org.infinispan.commands.write declared as CacheNotifier | |
protected CacheNotifier |
Methods in org.infinispan.commands.write with parameters of type CacheNotifier | |
void |
ReplaceCommand.init(CacheNotifier notifier)
void |
RemoveCommand.init(CacheNotifier notifier)
void |
PutMapCommand.init(CacheNotifier notifier)
void |
PutKeyValueCommand.init(CacheNotifier notifier)
void |
ClearCommand.init(CacheNotifier notifier)
void |
InvalidateL1Command.init(Configuration config,
DistributionManager dm,
CacheNotifier n,
DataContainer dc)
void |
EvictCommand.initialize(CacheNotifier notifier)
Constructors in org.infinispan.commands.write with parameters of type CacheNotifier | |
ClearCommand(CacheNotifier notifier,
Set<Flag> flags)
EvictCommand(Object key,
CacheNotifier notifier)
InvalidateCommand(CacheNotifier notifier,
Collection<Object> keys)
InvalidateCommand(CacheNotifier notifier,
Object... keys)
InvalidateL1Command(Address writeOrigin,
boolean forRehash,
DataContainer dc,
Configuration config,
DistributionManager dm,
CacheNotifier notifier,
Collection<Object> keys)
InvalidateL1Command(boolean forRehash,
DataContainer dc,
Configuration config,
DistributionManager dm,
CacheNotifier notifier,
Collection<Object> keys)
InvalidateL1Command(boolean forRehash,
DataContainer dc,
Configuration config,
DistributionManager dm,
CacheNotifier notifier,
Object... keys)
PutKeyValueCommand(Object key,
Object value,
boolean putIfAbsent,
CacheNotifier notifier,
long lifespanMillis,
long maxIdleTimeMillis,
Set<Flag> flags)
PutMapCommand(Map<?,?> map,
CacheNotifier notifier,
long lifespanMillis,
long maxIdleTimeMillis,
Set<Flag> flags)
RemoveCommand(Object key,
Object value,
CacheNotifier notifier,
Set<Flag> flags)
ReplaceCommand(Object key,
Object oldValue,
Object newValue,
CacheNotifier notifier,
long lifespanMillis,
long maxIdleTimeMillis,
Set<Flag> flags)
VersionedPutKeyValueCommand(Object key,
Object value,
boolean putIfAbsent,
CacheNotifier notifier,
long lifespanMillis,
long maxIdleTimeMillis,
Set<Flag> flags,
EntryVersion version)
Uses of CacheNotifier in org.infinispan.container |
Methods in org.infinispan.container with parameters of type CacheNotifier | |
void |
EntryFactoryImpl.injectDependencies(DataContainer dataContainer,
Configuration configuration,
CacheNotifier notifier)
Uses of CacheNotifier in org.infinispan.distribution |
Methods in org.infinispan.distribution with parameters of type CacheNotifier | |
void |
DistributionManagerImpl.init(Configuration configuration,
RpcManager rpcManager,
CommandsFactory cf,
CacheNotifier cacheNotifier,
StateTransferManager stateTransferManager)
Uses of CacheNotifier in org.infinispan.eviction |
Methods in org.infinispan.eviction with parameters of type CacheNotifier | |
void |
EvictionManagerImpl.initialize(ScheduledExecutorService executor,
Configuration configuration,
DataContainer dataContainer,
CacheLoaderManager cacheLoaderManager,
CacheNotifier cacheNotifier)
void |
PassivationManagerImpl.inject(CacheLoaderManager cacheLoaderManager,
CacheNotifier notifier,
Configuration cfg,
DataContainer container)
Uses of CacheNotifier in org.infinispan.interceptors |
Fields in org.infinispan.interceptors declared as CacheNotifier | |
protected CacheNotifier |
Methods in org.infinispan.interceptors with parameters of type CacheNotifier | |
protected void |
CacheLoaderInterceptor.injectDependencies(CacheLoaderManager clm,
EntryFactory entryFactory,
CacheNotifier notifier)
void |
NotificationInterceptor.injectDependencies(CacheNotifier notifier)
Uses of CacheNotifier in org.infinispan.notifications.cachelistener |
Classes in org.infinispan.notifications.cachelistener that implement CacheNotifier | |
class |
Helper class that handles all notifications to registered listeners. |
Uses of CacheNotifier in org.infinispan.statetransfer |
Fields in org.infinispan.statetransfer declared as CacheNotifier | |
protected CacheNotifier |
protected CacheNotifier |
Methods in org.infinispan.statetransfer with parameters of type CacheNotifier | |
void |
BaseStateTransferManagerImpl.init(Configuration configuration,
RpcManager rpcManager,
CommandsFactory cf,
DataContainer dataContainer,
InterceptorChain interceptorChain,
InvocationContextContainer icc,
CacheLoaderManager cacheLoaderManager,
CacheNotifier cacheNotifier,
StateTransferLock stateTransferLock,
CacheViewsManager cacheViewsManager,
TransactionTable transactionTable,
LockContainer<?> lockContainer)
Uses of CacheNotifier in org.infinispan.transaction |
Methods in org.infinispan.transaction with parameters of type CacheNotifier | |
void |
TransactionTable.initialize(RpcManager rpcManager,
Configuration configuration,
InvocationContextContainer icc,
InterceptorChain invoker,
CacheNotifier notifier,
TransactionFactory gtf,
EmbeddedCacheManager cm,
TransactionCoordinator txCoordinator,
TransactionSynchronizationRegistry transactionSynchronizationRegistry,
CommandsFactory commandsFactory,
ClusteringDependentLogic clusteringDependentLogic)
--> |