See: Description
Interface | Description |
CloseableSupplier<T extends AutoCloseable> |
Supplier for AutoCloseable objects that itself can be closed without regard for whether the Supplier.get()
method has not yet been called. |
ListMultimap<K,V> |
A collection similar to
Map , but which may associate multiple values with any single key. |
Multimap<K,V> |
A collection similar to
Map , but which may associate multiple values with any single key. |
Problems |
An interface for a collection of
Problem objects, with multiple overloaded methods for adding errors, warnings, and
informational messages. |
Supplier<T> |
A basic supplier for another object.
Class | Description |
AbstractMultimap<K,V> | |
AbstractProblems |
A list of problems for some execution context.
ArrayListMultimap<K,V> | |
Collections |
A set of utilities for more easily creating various kinds of collections.
DelegateIterable<T,V> |
An iterable that adapts the values returned by a delegate iterable.
DelegateIterator<T,V> |
An iterator that adapts the value returned by a delegate iterator.
EmptyIterator<T> |
A reusuable
Iterator implementation that has no elements. |
HashMultimap<K,V> | |
ImmutableAppendedList<T> | |
ImmutableMapEntry<K,V> |
An immutable
Map.Entry implementation. |
ImmutableProblems |
An immutable wrapper for a mutable
Problems . |
LinkedHashMultimap<K,V> |
Multimap implementation that uses an LinkedHashSet to store the values associated with a key. |
LinkedListMultimap<K,V> |
Multimap implementation that uses an LinkedList to store the values associated with a key. |
LinkedListMultimap.Entry<K,V> | |
MultiIterator<E> |
An iterator implementation that wraps multiple other iterators.
Problem |
An immutable representation of a problem, with a status, code, internationalized and parameterized message, values for the
parameters, information about the resource and location, and an optional exception.
ReadOnlyIterator<T> |
Iterator implementation that only allows reading elements, used as a wrapper around another iterator to make the
contents immutable to the user of this iterator. |
SequentialIterator<T> |
An iterator that abstracts iterating over two other iterators.
SimpleProblems |
A simple
Problems collection. |
SingleIterator<T> |
Iterator that is used to iterate over a single, fixed value. |
ThreadSafeProblems |
A thread-safe
Problems collection. |
UnmodifiableProperties |
An immutable
Properties implementation. |
Enum | Description |
Problem.Status |
that record multiple warnings, errors, and informational
messages.Copyright © 2008–2016 JBoss, a division of Red Hat. All rights reserved.