Package org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http

Encoder, decoder and their related message types for HTTP.


Interface Summary
Cookie An HTTP Cookie.
HttpChunk An HTTP chunk which is used for HTTP chunked transfer-encoding.
HttpChunkTrailer The last HttpChunk which has trailing headers.
HttpMessage An HTTP message which provides common properties for HttpRequest and HttpResponse.
HttpRequest An HTTP request.
HttpResponse An HTTP response.

Class Summary
CookieDecoder Decodes an HTTP header value into Cookies.
CookieEncoder Encodes Cookies into an HTTP header value.
DefaultCookie The default Cookie implementation.
DefaultHttpChunk The default HttpChunk implementation.
DefaultHttpChunkTrailer The default HttpChunkTrailer implementation.
DefaultHttpMessage The default HttpMessage implementation.
DefaultHttpRequest The default HttpRequest implementation.
DefaultHttpResponse The default HttpResponse implementation.
HttpChunkAggregator A ChannelHandler that aggregates an HttpMessage and its following HttpChunks into a single HttpMessage with no following HttpChunks.
HttpClientCodec A combination of HttpRequestEncoder and HttpResponseDecoder which enables easier client side HTTP implementation.
HttpContentCompressor Compresses an HttpMessage and an HttpChunk in gzip or deflate encoding while respecting the "Accept-Encoding" header.
HttpContentDecoder Decodes the content of the received HttpRequest and HttpChunk.
HttpContentDecompressor Decompresses an HttpMessage and an HttpChunk compressed in gzip or deflate encoding.
HttpContentEncoder Encodes the content of the outbound HttpResponse and HttpChunk.
HttpHeaders Provides the constants for the standard HTTP header names and values and commonly used utility methods that accesses an HttpMessage.
HttpHeaders.Names Standard HTTP header names.
HttpHeaders.Values Standard HTTP header values.
HttpMessageDecoder Decodes ChannelBuffers into HttpMessages and HttpChunks.
HttpMessageEncoder Encodes an HttpMessage or an HttpChunk into a ChannelBuffer.
HttpMethod The request method of HTTP or its derived protocols, such as RTSP and ICAP.
HttpRequestDecoder Decodes ChannelBuffers into HttpRequests and HttpChunks.
HttpRequestEncoder Encodes an HttpRequest or an HttpChunk into a ChannelBuffer.
HttpResponseDecoder Decodes ChannelBuffers into HttpResponses and HttpChunks.
HttpResponseEncoder Encodes an HttpResponse or an HttpChunk into a ChannelBuffer.
HttpResponseStatus The response code and its description of HTTP or its derived protocols, such as RTSP and ICAP.
HttpServerCodec A combination of HttpRequestDecoder and HttpResponseEncoder which enables easier server side HTTP implementation.
HttpVersion The version of HTTP or its derived protocols, such as RTSP and ICAP.
QueryStringDecoder Splits an HTTP query string into a path string and key-value parameter pairs.
QueryStringEncoder Creates an URL-encoded URI from a path string and key-value parameter pairs.

Enum Summary
HttpMessageDecoder.State The internal state of HttpMessageDecoder.

Package org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http Description

Encoder, decoder and their related message types for HTTP.

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