Problems delegate
ReadWriteLock lock
List<E> problems
Properties delegate
long durationInNanos
Duration.Components components
Position position
ModeShapeEngine engine
Problems results
Name nodeType
LoginContext loginContext
Problems problems
String key
NodeKey key
String key
NodeKey key
NodeKey parentKey
String name
Property property
BinaryKey key
Path.Segment oldSegment
Throwable cause
Property oldProperty
String processKey
String repositoryKey
String workspaceName
String journalId
String sessionId
Queue<E> events
String uuid
Set<E> nodeKeys
Map<K,V> userData
Set<E> unusedBinaries
Set<E> usedBinaries
String userId
DateTime timestamp
String workspaceName
String workspaceName
long modifiedCount
long unmodifiedCount
long skipCount
long failureCount
org.mapdb.Serializer<A> defaultSerializer
Comparator<T> comparator
Comparator<T> aComparator
org.mapdb.Serializer<A> aSerializer
org.mapdb.Serializer<A> bSerializer
Comparator<T> comparator
Comparator<T> aComparator
Comparator<T> bComparator
Object actualKey
long id
int hc
org.mapdb.Serializer<A> keySerializer
Comparator<T> comparator
Comparator<T> valueComparator
org.mapdb.Serializer<A> keySerializer
Comparator<T> comparator
long timeBasedKey
ChangeSet content
long planningNanos
long optimizationNanos
long resultFormulationNanos
long executionNanos
Comparator<T> comparator1
Comparator<T> comparator2
org.mapdb.Serializer<A> serializer1
org.mapdb.Serializer<A> serializer2
org.mapdb.Serializer<A> serializer1
org.mapdb.Serializer<A> serializer2
org.mapdb.Serializer<A> serializer3
org.mapdb.Serializer<A> serializer1
org.mapdb.Serializer<A> serializer2
org.mapdb.Serializer<A> serializer3
org.mapdb.Serializer<A> serializer4
org.mapdb.Serializer<A>[] serializers
int size
List<E> columns
List<E> columnTypes
List<E> columnNames
List<E> selectorNames
Map<K,V> selectorIndexBySelectorName
Map<K,V> selectorNameByColumnName
Map<K,V> propertyNameByColumnName
Map<K,V> columnIndexByPropertyNameBySelectorName
boolean includeFullTextSearchScores
int width
Constraint left
Constraint right
int hc
Set<E> selectorNames
ArithmeticOperator operator
DynamicOperand left
DynamicOperand right
int hc
DynamicOperand operand
StaticOperand lowerBound
StaticOperand upperBound
boolean includeLowerBound
boolean includeUpperBound
int hc
String variableName
DynamicOperand operand
String desiredTypeName
SelectorName selectorName
String parentPath
int hc
SelectorName childSelectorName
SelectorName parentSelectorName
int hc
SelectorName selectorName
String propertyName
String columnName
DynamicOperand operand1
StaticOperand operand2
Operator operator
int hc
SelectorName selectorName
String ancestorPath
SelectorName descendantSelectorName
SelectorName ancestorSelectorName
int hc
SelectorName selector1Name
String property1Name
SelectorName selector2Name
String property2Name
int hc
SelectorName selectorName
String propertyName
String fullTextSearchExpression
FullTextSearch.Term term
int hc
Source left
Source right
JoinType type
JoinCondition joinCondition
int hc
Set<E> selectorNames
PropertyValue propertyValue
int offset
int rowLimit
Object value
Value jcrValue
DynamicOperand operand
Constraint constraint
Constraint left
Constraint right
int hc
DynamicOperand operand
Order order
NullOrder nullOrder
SelectorName selectorName
String propertyName
int hc
StaticOperand operand1
PropertyValue operand2
int hc
SelectorName selectorName
String path
int hc
SelectorName selector1Name
SelectorName selector2Name
String selector2Path
int hc
SelectorName name
SelectorName alias
String name
boolean expandedForm
DynamicOperand left
Collection<E> setOperands
List<E> orderings
Limit limits
QueryCommand left
QueryCommand right
SetQuery.Operation operation
boolean all
int hc
QueryCommand query
DynamicOperand operand
String query
boolean hasCriteria
boolean hasJoin
boolean hasSort
boolean hasSetQuery
boolean hasLimit
boolean isExistsQuery
boolean hasOptionalJoin
boolean hasFullTextSearch
boolean hasSubqueries
boolean hasView
boolean showPlan
boolean planOnly
boolean validateColumnExistance
boolean includeSystemContent
boolean useSessionContent
boolean qualifyExpandedColumnNames
boolean restartable
or QueryResult.getNodes()
are called a second
time the implementation may throw an exception. However, this places a restriction on JCR client applications that are not
always ideal. Therefore, the default is true
so that working with results is easier but less-efficient. Where
possible, set this to false
to enforce strict "use results once" and eliminate this rowsKeptInMemory
String expression
Pattern workspacePattern
Pattern matchPattern
Pattern selectPattern
selected path
, only after the input path has already matched.PathExpression selectExpression
String outputExpression
int hc
String key
Locale locale
Object value
PropertyType targetType
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream aStream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
- if there is a problem reading from the streamClassNotFoundException
- if there is a problem loading any required classesprivate void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream aStream) throws IOException
- if there is a problem writing to the streamName name
int index
int hc
Name name
Object value
Path parent
Path.Segment child
int size
IdentifierPathSegment idSegment
ZonedDateTime instance
long millisInUtc
NodeKey key
boolean weak
boolean foreign
boolean simple
String id
boolean isWeak
BinaryKey key
byte[] bytes
long size
URL url
byte type
byte[] data
int lineNumber
int columnNumber
String symbol
String name
ConcurrentMap<K,V> documents
MutableArray array
DocumentValueFactory factory
MutableDocument document
DocumentValueFactory factory
Path path
DocumentObserver observer
String propertyName
Validator itemValidator
JsonSchemaValidatorFactory.SingleProblem itemProblems
String propertyName
int denominator
String propertyName
List<E> itemValidators
Validator additionalItemsValidator
JsonSchemaValidatorFactory.SingleProblem itemProblems
boolean additionalItemsAllowed
String propertyName
int number
String propertyName
int maximumLength
String propertyName
int minimumLength
String propertyName
Validator validator
JsonSchemaValidatorFactory.RequiredValidator required
String propertyName
String schemaUri
JsonSchema.Type type
String propertyName
String defaultMetaSchemaUri
DocumentLibrary jsonSchemaDocuments
int level
String unusedSource
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